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Inside of the Hunting Store


Explore the neglected interior of the abandoned hunting shop, where faded camouflage patterns and rusted hunting gear tell stories of vanished adventures, amidst the hushed stillness of a once vibrant emporium.

Lootable Items in Area

Item Name Find %
Knife 14.71%
Compass 14.71%
Trap Food 14.71%
Small Backpack 11.76%
Medium Backpack 8.82%
Matches 7.35%
Lighter 5.88%
Large Backpack 5.88%
Pistol Ammo 4.41%
Stick Trap 4.41%
Rifle Ammo 2.94%
XL Backpack 2.94%
Shotgun Ammo 1.47%
area/inside_hunting_shop.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/16 13:12 by d4yz

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